
Welcome to Unshackle CIC Empowering Communities for Positive Change

Unshackle CIC is a non-profit community interest organisation dedicated to fostering positive change in Northampton and its surrounding areas. Our mission is to break the cycle of crime and despair by providing holistic support and guidance, particularly focusing on mental health assistance and crime prevention.

Our Purpose

At Unshackle, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life, free from the constraints of past mistakes or mental health challenges. Our purpose is to offer a beacon of hope and a pathway to transformation for individuals facing difficulties or struggling to break free from cycles of crime and despair.

Our Approach

We understand the complexities of mental health and the barriers individuals face in seeking help. That’s why we provide personalised, one-on-one support tailored to each individual’s needs. Through our network of partner agencies and professionals, we offer comprehensive assistance spanning mental health care, substance abuse treatment, and social and physical well-being.

Community Engagement

Our commitment extends beyond individual support to community-wide initiatives aimed at reducing violence, knife crime, and the stigma surrounding mental health. Through workshops, mentoring programs, and pro-social activities, we empower individuals to make positive choices and contribute to a safer, more supportive community.